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7 Little Words Wallabies Answers

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 1

  1. temporary shelter = QUAMBY
  2. ahead of schedule = PREMATURE
  3. talk big = BOAST
  4. give it a try = BURL
  5. city founded by Colonel Light = ADELAIDE
  6. controlled behavior = DISCIPLINE
  7. sleeveless garment = VEST

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 2

  1. grill fuel = CHARCOAL
  2. like potato chips = CRUNCHY
  3. draw quickly = SKETCH
  4. girl, in slang = SHEILA
  5. flowering shrub = BOTTLEBRUSH
  6. golden period = HEYDAY
  7. throw recklessly = CHUCK

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 3

  1. oldest of the Bee Gees = BARRY
  2. Holden model = CRUZE
  3. gold nugget weight = GRAM
  4. very small, for an amount = PIDDLING
  5. pertaining to the brain = CEREBRAL
  6. moved forward = ADVANCED
  7. Sydney beach = BONDI

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 4

  1. drug store employee = CHEMIST
  2. good at problem solving = CLEVER
  3. selection = CHOICE
  4. solace = COMFORT
  5. strong desire for wealth = GREED
  6. footy club in Burleigh = BOMBERS
  7. formal objection = GRIEVANCE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 5

  1. stand by for = AWAIT
  2. hamlet resident = VILLAGER
  3. spotted quoll = CHUDITCH
  4. exaggerated accent = STRINE
  5. windfall = BOON
  6. site of the Ekka = BRISBANE
  7. quick look = GLANCE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 6

  1. newcomer = STRANGER
  2. Australian anteater = ECHIDNA
  3. cricket trophy, with “the” = ASHES
  4. television show = PROGRAMME
  5. thong to hold up pants legs = BOWYANG
  6. strap to hold up pants = BELT
  7. “Citizen Kane,” for one = FILM

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 7

  1. Australian PM, 1968-71 = GORTON
  2. result of hard work = ACHIEVEMENT
  3. express disapproval of = REBUKE
  4. malingering sailor = MOLLY
  5. unplanned travel = DETOUR
  6. school cafeteria = CANTEEN
  7. aboriginal bush hut = GUNYAH

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 8

  1. only dismissed Aussie PM = WHITLAM
  2. like a cane toad = POISONOUS
  3. carry on = PERSIST
  4. go belly up = FAIL
  5. fibrous plant = KURRAJONG
  6. stir up, as trouble = INCITE
  7. ambulance sound = SIREN

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 9

  1. not worth taking seriously = FRIVOLOUS
  2. lout = YOBBO
  3. sheep = JUMBUCK
  4. short facial hair = STUBBLE
  5. Internet programme = PODCAST
  6. cowboy = JACKAROO
  7. kind of turn on the road = HOOK

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 10

  1. swimsuit = COSSIE
  2. festy = GRUBBY
  3. leave baffled = PERPLEX
  4. winning = VICTORIOUS
  5. cantaloupe = ROCKMELON
  6. emergency event = CONTINGENCY
  7. everyday life = NORMALITY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 11

  1. prep for surgery = SCRUB
  2. practical joker = PRANKSTER
  3. freedom of choice = DISCRETION
  4. round up, as livestock = MUSTER
  5. Al Capone, in slang = PHONE
  6. restrain one’s arms = PINION
  7. meringue dessert = PAVLOVA

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 12

  1. give aid to = MINISTER
  2. “Gold Country” = BATHURST
  3. fast-running bird = OSTRICH
  4. lasting mental image = IMPRESSION
  5. dishonest act = DUPLICITY
  6. variety of apple = BONZA
  7. wintertime construction = SNOWMAN

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 13

  1. self-respect = DIGNITY
  2. declaration of policies = MANIFESTO
  3. give a reason to = JUSTIFY
  4. set free = EMANCIPATE
  5. baby’s pacifier = DUMMY
  6. one who may need an alibi = SUSPECT
  7. quiz show participant = CONTESTANT

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 14

  1. beach danger = STONEFISH
  2. open to doubt = PROBLEMATIC
  3. good health = FETTLE
  4. malevolent presence = PESTILENCE
  5. take into account = CONSIDER
  6. soap up = ABSORB
  7. Ian Thorpe’s sport = SWIMMING

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 15

  1. hot wind = SIROCCO
  2. black songbird = DRONGO
  3. spinning wheel rod = SPINDLE
  4. basic AFL move = PUNT
  5. shrub with small green fruit = GEEBUNG
  6. disagreement = STOUSH
  7. expressed ambiguously = BACKHANDED

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 16

  1. talk = DISCUSSION
  2. bilby or bandicoot = MARSUPIAL
  3. fool = PRAWNHEAD
  4. car or chair style = SEDAN
  5. very little = SCANT
  6. major-domo = STEWARD
  7. awe-inspiring = IMPRESSIVE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 17

  1. provide = SUPPLY
  2. prison guard = WARDER
  3. loan sharking = USURY
  4. rubgy union gear company = KOOGA
  5. directed = GUIDED
  6. pizza order = LARGE
  7. grease the skids, say = FACILITATE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 18

  1. sausage = SNAG
  2. America’s Cup sport = YACHTING
  3. city on the Timor Sea = DARWIN
  4. show reluctance = HESITATE
  5. freshwater shrimp = YABBIES
  6. Hogan film role = DUNDEE
  7. react to a corker = CHUCKLE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 19

  1. comment = REMARK
  2. enclosures for sheep = PADDOCKS
  3. sponge feature = PORE
  4. sheep product = WOOL
  5. museum piece = RELIC
  6. loathsome = ABOMINABLE
  7. statement of beliefs = CREDO

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 20

  1. drill instructor’s command = ATTENTION
  2. withdraw, as a statement = RETRACT
  3. electrician = SPARKY
  4. twist out of shape = CONTORT
  5. crybaby = SOOK
  6. Australian crane = BROLGA
  7. guacamole ingredient = ARTICHOKE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 21

  1. skeet-shooting weapon = SHOTGUN
  2. market for goods = OUTLET
  3. causing dissension = DIVISIVE
  4. chicken = CHOOK
  5. wild horse = BRUMBY
  6. utterly wicked = HEINOUS
  7. shark flesh = FLAKE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 22

  1. besmirch the character of = DEGRADE
  2. major competitor = RIVAL
  3. Tasmanian tiger = THYLACINE
  4. wrestle = GRAPPLE
  5. hearty shrub = SALTBUSH
  6. quilted comforter = DOONA
  7. like cacti = SUCCULENT

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 23

  1. BlueScope production = STEEL
  2. gold mine = BONANZA
  3. speaking effortlessly = FLUENT
  4. privy = DUNNY
  5. extol = GLORIFY
  6. false teeth = DENTURES
  7. cause confusion = CONFOUND

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 24

  1. actor Bloom = ORLANDO
  2. make someone appear guilty = INCRIMINATE
  3. portrait medium = OILS
  4. catlike marsupial = QUOLL
  5. cut through = SEVER
  6. nosey individual = STICKYBEAK
  7. in rags = TATTERED

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 25

  1. sidewalk = FOOTPATH
  2. morning meal = BREKKIE
  3. small owl = BOOBOOK
  4. actress Kidman = NICOLE
  5. push away = REPEL
  6. auto fuel = PETROL
  7. appropriate, as land = SNAVEL

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 26

  1. follow closely = SHADOW
  2. twill fabric = PARRAMATTA
  3. lay waste to = RAVAGE
  4. railroad company = COUNTRYLINK
  5. part of a spectrum = COLOUR
  6. full of fun = PLAYFUL
  7. face up to = CONFRONT

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 27

  1. perceive the meaning of = UNDERSTAND
  2. abundant = PLENTEOUS
  3. the universe = EVERYTHING
  4. small group of people = MINORITY
  5. of applied sciences = TECHNICAL
  6. justification = EXCUSE
  7. morning follower = ARVO

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 28

  1. representation, in miniature = MICROCOSM
  2. leaving the car in the lot = PARKING
  3. like a Rolex wristwatch = SWISS
  4. car accident = PRANG
  5. important topics = ISSUES
  6. meet at some point = INTERSECT
  7. wristwatch part = FACE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 29

  1. covered in grime and oil = GREASY
  2. shorts = UNDERWEAR
  3. abundant = PLENTIFUL
  4. leading to an argument = CONTENTIOUS
  5. trail mix = SCROGGIN
  6. utter nonsense = KIDSTAKES
  7. drinks like a cat = LAPS

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 30

  1. “the wonder girl from Mackay” = FREEMAN
  2. unemployment benefits = DOLE
  3. boor = OCKER
  4. widespread destruction = HAVOC
  5. user of grazing land = SQUATTER
  6. society novice = DEBUTANTE
  7. in the past = FORMERLY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 31

  1. hardly adquate = SKIMPY
  2. part of AQIS = QUARANTINE
  3. showing insight = PERCEPTIVE
  4. police patrol van = WAGON
  5. rock-breaking tool = PICK
  6. kittenish = FRISKY
  7. engine light location = DASHBOARD

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 32

  1. pale = PEAKED
  2. most enjoyable = BEST
  3. navigation-based sport = ROGAINING
  4. warnings from a cat = HISSES
  5. official rebuke = REPRIMAND
  6. Chilean sea bass = TOOTHFISH
  7. say again = REPEAT

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 33

  1. diaper = NAPPY
  2. trek in the outback = WALKABOUT
  3. gents = CHAPS
  4. mood = HUMOUR
  5. back of the neck = SCRUFF
  6. being = ENTITY
  7. within reason = PLAUSIBLE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 34

  1. shrew-like marsupial = MARDO
  2. sparkle = TWINKLE
  3. study of the mind = PSYCHOLOGY
  4. magnate from Melbourne = MURDOCH
  5. open-air attraction in Sydney = SKYWALK
  6. deadly jellyfish = IRUKANDJI
  7. official list = REGISTRY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 35

  1. awkward position = SPRAWL
  2. venomous snake = TAIPAN
  3. marina = HARBOUR
  4. rubbish = MULLOCK
  5. movie about a talking pig = BABE
  6. making macarons = BAKING
  7. rich person = MILLIONAIRE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 36

  1. partially melted snow = SLUSH
  2. large juicy fruit = WATERMELON
  3. cheap imitation = KNOCKOFF
  4. played cat and mouse with = TORMENTED
  5. catlike marsupial = QUOLL
  6. stairway support = RAIL
  7. Australian journalism award = WALKLEY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 37

  1. make a plaster cast = MOLD
  2. cooler = ESKY
  3. window washing tool = SQUEEGEE
  4. breed of cat = SIAMESE
  5. no part of = NONE
  6. kangaroo rat = POTOROO
  7. calls a meeting = CONVENES

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 38

  1. make less severe = MOLLIFY
  2. not to be wasted = PRECIOUS
  3. let the cat out of the bag = BLABBED
  4. pay the piper = DEFRAY
  5. one behind the bleep button = CENSOR
  6. windpipe = TRACHEA
  7. Portuguese man-of-war = JELLYFISH

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 39

  1. start up = ACTIVATE
  2. “reading” a bank issues = CHECKBOOK
  3. durability = WEAR
  4. popular garden plant = GREVILLIA
  5. singer-actress Minogue = KYLIE
  6. sandwich spread = VEGEMITE
  7. Australian PM Julia = GILLARD

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 40

  1. sew a fold = TUCK
  2. delicious = TASTY
  3. coral eater = PARROTFISH
  4. income source = PAYCHECK
  5. naval officer = COMMODORE
  6. family tree path = LINEAGE
  7. baby echidna = PUGGLE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 41

  1. studio apartment = BEDSIT
  2. lying under oath = PERJURY
  3. not clearly defined = OBSCURE
  4. looking on the bright side = OPTIMISTIC
  5. “Flipper” star Paul = HOGAN
  6. road surface = BITUMEN
  7. heartfelt = EARNEST

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 42

  1. Batman’s sidekick = ROBIN
  2. paper summary = ABSTRACT
  3. invasive pests = RABBITS
  4. Australian airline = QANTAS
  5. took into the body = INGESTED
  6. “Star Trek” command = ENERGIZE
  7. trash collector = GARBO

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 43

  1. TV ad figure = SPOKESMAN
  2. fender bender = BINGLE
  3. dodge = AVOID
  4. thrilled = STOKED
  5. mattress covers = SHEETS
  6. Bindi, to Steve = DAUGHTER
  7. slangy trousers = STRIDES

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 44

  1. fish who ends up in Sydney = NEMO
  2. cowboy boot accessories = SPURS
  3. footy no-no = PENALTY
  4. wooden wind instrument = DIDGERIDOO
  5. coach robber = BUSHRANGER
  6. common feeling = SYMPATHY
  7. negotiate, as a price = HAGGLE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 45

  1. not according to Hoyle = IRREGULAR
  2. hike = BUSHWALK
  3. red desert = SIMPSON
  4. massive tree = SEQUOIA
  5. not as important = SECONDARY
  6. where streets meet = CORNER
  7. hard work = YAKKA

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 46

  1. first Australian auto = HOLDEN
  2. moving from place to place = ITINERANT
  3. large lizard = GOANNA
  4. end of a marriage = DIVORCE
  5. building designer = ARCHITECT
  6. story of suspect truth = RUMOUR
  7. attractive to the eye = PICTURESQUE

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 47

  1. add sugar to = SWEETEN
  2. show off = FLAUNT
  3. bullets and bombs = AMMUNITION
  4. very angry = ROPEABLE
  5. celery stick = STALK
  6. hard candy = LOLLY
  7. like an overgrown garden = WEEDY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 48

  1. Lightning Range gems = OPALS
  2. characteristics = SYMPTOMATIC
  3. prevent from doing = FRUSTRATE
  4. waiter’s tip = GRATUITY
  5. come out ahead = PREVAIL
  6. baby stroller = PUSHER
  7. hardly = BARELY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 49

  1. snobbish person = SNOOT
  2. packed like sardines = CROWDED
  3. killjoy = WOWSER
  4. griping = WHINGING
  5. wipe out = DEVASTATE
  6. associated with true love = ROMANTIC
  7. long-nosed mammal = BILBY

7 Little Words Wallabies Level 50

  1. capital of Turkey = ANKARA
  2. island state = TASMANIA
  3. carry in a lorry = HAUL
  4. misguided belief = DELUSION
  5. prison dweller = INMATE
  6. large bird = CASSOWARY
  7. smelling of dampness = MUSTY

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