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7 Little Words Impossible Answers

7 Little Words Impossible Level 1

  1. slippery, like soap = SAPONACEOUS
  2. repetition of an idea = TAUTOLOGY
  3. one with a quick temper = FIREBALL
  4. bombastic = OROTUND
  5. make wet and dirty = DRAGGLE
  6. kapok source = CEIBA
  7. external part of the ear = PINNA

7 Little Words Impossible Level 2

  1. extremely wicked = FACINOROUS
  2. excessive talking = LOGORRHEA
  3. use of organic raw material = CHEMURGY
  4. actively encourage = PROMOTE
  5. safecracker = YEGG
  6. British naval rank = MIDSHIPMAN
  7. armpit = AXILLA

7 Little Words Impossible Level 3

  1. Arabic interpreter = DRAGOMAN
  2. wood use for violin bows = PERNAMBUCO
  3. variety of sushi = HANDROLL
  4. standard deviation symbol = SIGMA
  5. easily changed = LABILE
  6. 1996 Stanley Cup winners = AVALANCHE
  7. get-together = POWWOW

7 Little Words Impossible Level 4

  1. long thin pasta = CAPELLINI
  2. symbol used to denote a word = SIGLUM
  3. presumptuous fellow = JACKANAPES
  4. Spanish word = PALABRA
  5. “training” manual reader = CONDUCTOR
  6. “lazy” shoe = LOAFER
  7. father of Charlemagne = PEPIN

7 Little Words Impossible Level 5

  1. symbol of authoritarian rule = JACKBOOT
  2. everywhere at once = UBIQUITOUS
  3. large roll of cloth = BOLT
  4. mind-numbing = TEDIOUS
  5. expressing approbation = PLAUSIVE
  6. reproduction without meiosis = APOMIXIS
  7. arrange in overlapping periods = STAGGER

7 Little Words Impossible Level 6

  1. grim = DYSTOPIAN
  2. primitive vertebral column = NOTOCHORD
  3. sea monster = KRAKEN
  4. monetary unit of Honduras = LEMPIRA
  5. sudden forward movement = BREAKAWAY
  6. like the work of Bernini = BAROQUE
  7. playfully frivolous = SKITTISH

7 Little Words Impossible Level 7

  1. money equal to 100 groschen = SCHILLING
  2. hybrid dog = LABRADOODLE
  3. large edible mackerel = PINTADO
  4. small, slender dagger = PONIARD
  5. grapple at close quarters = CLINCH
  6. orange with yellow flesh = MUSAMBI
  7. pants worn for skiing = SALOPETTES

7 Little Words Impossible Level 8

  1. slangy snowboarder = SHREDDER
  2. debris = DETRITUS
  3. D-28 guitar maker = MARTIN
  4. he wins by “an arrow margin” = ARCHER
  5. repulsive person = SLIMEBALL
  6. take over a flight = SKYJACK
  7. pitcher’s rubber = SLAB

7 Little Words Impossible Level 9

  1. long-necked river duck = PINTAIL
  2. everyday language = VERNACULAR
  3. broadly farcical = SLAPSTICK
  4. tee toter = CADDIE
  5. Astaire-Rogers musical = ROBERTA
  6. slick = AERODYNAMIC
  7. what chronotherapy helps = INSOMNIA

7 Little Words Impossible Level 10

  1. older unmarried woman = SPINSTER
  2. fit for farming = ARABLE
  3. record holder = SLEEVE
  4. llama relative = GUANACO
  5. Drew in books = NANCY
  6. failure to drive well = SLICE
  7. kiss = OSCULATE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 11

  1. noctambulous one = SLEEPWALKER
  2. visceral cavity = ABDOMEN
  3. token fee = HONORARIUM
  4. destitute = INDIGENT
  5. one who drags their feet = LAGGARD
  6. upset the authority of = SUBVERT
  7. it has its ups and downs = ELEVATOR

7 Little Words Impossible Level 12

  1. one bucking tradition = ICONOCLAST
  2. like a jumper = SLEEVELESS
  3. man seen biting his nails = CARPENTER
  4. worthless medicine = NOSTRUM
  5. rolling in the dough = OPULENT
  6. elaborate eulogy = PANEGYRIC
  7. easily understood = PELLUCID

7 Little Words Impossible Level 13

  1. twill fabric = CHINO
  2. coarse floor covering = DRUGGET
  3. simple and unsophisticated = HOMESPUN
  4. light banter = PERSIFLAGE
  5. menacing = BALEFUL
  6. wordy = PROLIX
  7. part represents the whole = SYNECDOCHE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 14

  1. fussy = PERSNICKETY
  2. cutting deeply and quickly = TRENCHANT
  3. good-natured ribbing = RAILLERY
  4. winding and twisting = SERPENTINE
  5. closing speeches = TAGS
  6. site of conflict = COCKPIT
  7. Ed White’s 1965 adventure = SPACEWALK

7 Little Words Impossible Level 15

  1. political coalition advocate = FUSIONIST
  2. provisional = TENTATIVE
  3. use gravity to accelerate = SLINGSHOT
  4. spindle on which a bell swings = GUDGEON
  5. mollusk with a spiral shell = VOLUTE
  6. circular window = OCULUS
  7. trickery = ARTIFICE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 16

  1. clothing = RAIMENT
  2. wordy = PLEONASTIC
  3. Highland dagger = SKEAN
  4. put in the same category = BRACKET
  5. error in a publication = CORRIGENDUM
  6. pad used for applying ink = DABBER
  7. mercenary = VENAL

7 Little Words Impossible Level 17

  1. iron used to crimp lace = GOFFER
  2. hairstyle covering one eye = PEEKABOO
  3. lacking in subtlety = BLATANT
  4. wall support = BUTTRESS
  5. aphid secretion = HONEYDEW
  6. compensate for a loss = INDEMNIFY
  7. courageous = UNDAUNTED

7 Little Words Impossible Level 18

  1. dabbler = DILETTANTE
  2. willful determination = RESOLVE
  3. unwholesome atmosphere = MIASMA
  4. bird of prey = BUTEO
  5. fly-fishing feathers = HACKLES
  6. foolish talk = BLATHER
  7. sloping part of a horse’s foot = PASTERN

7 Little Words Impossible Level 19

  1. display prominently = BLAZON
  2. nocturnal insectivorous bird = NIGHTJAR
  3. gray-green pottery glaze = CELADON
  4. “Grazin’ in the Grass” artist = MASEKELA
  5. short German sausage = KNACKWURST
  6. secret religious meeting = CONVENTICLE
  7. Australian gum tree = COOLIBAH

7 Little Words Impossible Level 20

  1. first British Prime Minister = WALPOLE
  2. early form of cannon = SAKER
  3. tall penguin = GENTOO
  4. verb derived from a noun = DENOMINAL
  5. exciting person = FIRECRACKER
  6. the way it’s always done = CONVENTION
  7. sword favored by pirates = CUTLASS

7 Little Words Impossible Level 21

  1. moving by gravity alone = BALLISTIC
  2. 1974 scandal = WATERGATE
  3. dusky = FULIGINOUS
  4. tie score = DEADLOCK
  5. interpretation of scripture = EXEGESIS
  6. Internet fad = MEME
  7. divert = SHUNT

7 Little Words Impossible Level 22

  1. stack component = PANCAKE
  2. bulb of the sea onion = SQUILL
  3. part of a moth’s wing = SCALE
  4. play thing = PROP
  5. stand in the park = GAZEBO
  6. corrupt official = HIGHBINDER
  7. incompetent = FECKLESS

7 Little Words Impossible Level 23

  1. radical system = BOLSHEVISM
  2. disgusting = NOISOME
  3. herd sound = LOWING
  4. small thicket = BOSK
  5. rock garden plant = STONECROP
  6. arid garden design = XERISCAPE
  7. gondolier’s song = BARCAROLE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 24

  1. small tufted bird = TITMOUSE
  2. sterilized = ASEPTIC
  3. Australian rancher = STOCKHOLDER
  4. bring to light = UNEARTH
  5. harsh cry = SQUAWK
  6. seedless raisin = CURRANT
  7. full bright sound = BLOOM

7 Little Words Impossible Level 25

  1. message sent pole to pole = TELEGRAM
  2. victim of injustice = UNDERDOG
  3. flourishing = PALMY
  4. feeling invoked by a word = CONNOTATION
  5. big man’s display = MACHISMO
  6. impropriety = SOLECISM
  7. represented = OSTENSIBLE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 26

  1. large, overpowering force = JUGGERNAUT
  2. ancient variety of handgun = CULVERIN
  3. person to be avoided = PARIAH
  4. bird in the gannet family = BOOBY
  5. bib overalls = DUNGAREES
  6. sailboat with twin hulls = CATAMARAN
  7. gizmo = WIDGET

7 Little Words Impossible Level 27

  1. close to the end = PENULTIMATE
  2. inflatable boat = DINGHY
  3. sail restraint = BUNTLINE
  4. light rowing boat = CAIQUE
  5. reprimand severely = CASTIGATE
  6. loud ringing noise = CLANGOR
  7. lighthearted = SPORTIVE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 28

  1. uninspired = LACKLUSTER
  2. shameless = BAREFACED
  3. know-nothing = IGNORAMUS
  4. exist just below the surface = SMOLDER
  5. lacking vigor = INSIPID
  6. kangaroo cousin = WALLABY
  7. related to writing letters = EPISTOLARY

7 Little Words Impossible Level 29

  1. loud, cackling bird = KOOKABURRA
  2. official language of Belgium = FLEMISH
  3. mountain guide = SHERPA
  4. policy opponent = DISSIDENT
  5. rich Italian cheese = GORGONZOLA
  6. hilarious = BOFFO
  7. Arctic grouse = PTARMIGAN

7 Little Words Impossible Level 30

  1. board game from India = PARCHEESI
  2. thin, dry biscuit = WAFER
  3. dancing shoe = SLIPPER
  4. jet of flame = TONGUE
  5. class of idiots = BOOBOISIE
  6. poor chess player = PATZER
  7. strategical chess move = SACRIFICE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 31

  1. candy lover = CHOCOHOLIC
  2. misheard song lyric = MONDEGREEN
  3. criminal = MALEFACTOR
  4. privateer = CORSAIR
  5. mass of steam or smoke = BILLOW
  6. filled with compressed air = PNEUMATIC
  7. goatlike antelope = CHAMOIS

7 Little Words Impossible Level 32

  1. golfer’s tool = RANGEFINDER
  2. early type of automobile = BROUGHAM
  3. spectators’ area = PARQUET
  4. adhesive = VISCOUS
  5. drinking goblet = CHALICE
  6. encourage = COUNTENANCE
  7. equivalent of 21 shillings = GUINEA

7 Little Words Impossible Level 33

  1. minor setback = HICCUP
  2. side trip = SALLY
  3. capricious = ARBITRARY
  4. terse witty saying = EPIGRAM
  5. groveling = WORMY
  6. riding whip = QUIRT
  7. outrageous = COCKAMAMIE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 34

  1. expressing love = AMATORY
  2. tiger tender, perhaps = ZOOKEEPER
  3. adapted for walking = GRESSORIAL
  4. armored glove = GAUNTLET
  5. study of elections = PSEPHOLOGY
  6. removable magazine section = TAKEOUT
  7. sin of omission = OVERSIGHT

7 Little Words Impossible Level 35

  1. extortion attempt = SHAKEDOWN
  2. Peter Sellers film role = STRANGELOVE
  3. hatch an evil plot = MACHINATE
  4. furniture skirt = FRIEZE
  5. non-lawyer = LAYMAN
  6. small firework = SQUIB
  7. fake or impostor = RINGER

7 Little Words Impossible Level 36

  1. inadmissible evidence = HEARSAY
  2. burial = SEPULTURE
  3. French military cap = KEPI
  4. nice work if you can get it = SINECURE
  5. failure to compete = DEFAULT
  6. counterclockwise = WIDDERSHINS
  7. cave deposit = STALAGMITE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 37

  1. 74-time “Jeopardy!” champion = JENNINGS
  2. having multiple meanings = AMBIGUOUS
  3. cylinder of meat = TORCHON
  4. peasant scarf = BABUSHKA
  5. low, felt hat = BILLYCOCK
  6. loose, bright African shirt = DASHIKI
  7. shocking read = TABLOID

7 Little Words Impossible Level 38

  1. arrive at or cause to become = MAKE
  2. light housecoat = DUSTER
  3. woman’s loose cloak = DOLMAN
  4. ancient Greek shawl = PEPLOS
  5. two-piece bathing suit = TANKINI
  6. felt hat similar to a fez = TARBOOSH
  7. hasty and superficial = CURSORY

7 Little Words Impossible Level 39

  1. felt hat with indented crown = TRILBY
  2. gathering for discussion = COLLOQUY
  3. typical example = PARADIGM
  4. Muslim woman’s veil = YASHMAK
  5. sweet root vegetable = PARSNIP
  6. spiny timber tree = MESQUITE
  7. spiny desert shrub = OCOTILLO

7 Little Words Impossible Level 40

  1. like some motor oils = SYNTHETIC
  2. line of guards = CORDON
  3. wear down an enemy = ATTRIT
  4. tight workspace = CUBICLE
  5. set boundaries = DELIMIT
  6. ducks and drakes = WATERFOWL
  7. tamper with = NOODLE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 41

  1. 50-point dice roll = YAHTZEE
  2. national symbol of Ireland = SHAMROCK
  3. salmon with red flesh = SOCKEYE
  4. New England house style = SALTBOX
  5. calm and untroubled = LIMPID
  6. good ol’ boy = BUBBA
  7. central complex of Moscow = KREMLIN

7 Little Words Impossible Level 42

  1. South American monkey = SAPAJOU
  2. baby girl in “Hi & Lois” = TRIXIE
  3. atomic element #67 = HOLMIUM
  4. small cannon = DRAKE
  5. take a stroll = PERAMBULATE
  6. capital of Kyrgyzstan = BISHKEK
  7. hacking knife = MACHETE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 43

  1. large white flower = GARDENIA
  2. infantryman of ancient Greece = HOPLITE
  3. small crested songbird = WAXWING
  4. vague or indistinct = NEBULOUS
  5. absolute = CATEGORICAL
  6. contract stipulation = PROVISO
  7. take time to consider = RUMINATE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 44

  1. narrow space = INTERSTICE
  2. one hundredth of a right angle = GRAD
  3. 10,000-story building = LIBRARY
  4. use of splints and braces = ORTHOTICS
  5. gaseous volcanic crater = SOLFATARA
  6. isolated = CUTOFF
  7. make visually prominent = HIGHLIGHT

7 Little Words Impossible Level 45

  1. long belted tunic = KAFTAN
  2. plaited straw used in hats = SENNIT
  3. negligee = PEIGNOIR
  4. three-stanza poem = ROUNDEL
  5. sucker fish = GOBY
  6. declare invalid = COUNTERMAND
  7. greed = CUPIDITY

7 Little Words Impossible Level 46

  1. small, spiny-finned fish = BLENNY
  2. water behind a moving boat = WASH
  3. occurring by chance = ADVENTITIOUS
  4. catch sight of = DESCRY
  5. sudden change in mood = CAPRICE
  6. mark with a formal ceremony = SOLEMNIZE
  7. post-touchdown score = CONVERSION

7 Little Words Impossible Level 47

  1. kind of stomach = WASHBOARD
  2. departure from the normal = ABERRATION
  3. when trouble boils over = FLASHPOINT
  4. film developing chemicals = SOUP
  5. rich cream sauce = SUPREME
  6. brittle and delicate = FRANGIBLE
  7. protuberent, as eyes = GIBBOUS

7 Little Words Impossible Level 48

  1. photography aid = FLASHGUN
  2. half a line of verse = HEMISTICH
  3. governor of feudal Japan = SHOGUN
  4. stone-hurling weapon = TREBUCHET
  5. “hair-conditioned” business = SALON
  6. area around a manor = GROUNDS
  7. how an art contest is settled = DRAWING

7 Little Words Impossible Level 49

  1. piece of turf = DIVOT
  2. deck out in showy clothes = BEDIZEN
  3. one dominant in his field = OVERDOG
  4. study with makeup exams = COSMETOLOGY
  5. soothing salve = EMOLLIENT
  6. part of a drill team = DENTIST
  7. sign of healthy hair = BOUNCE

7 Little Words Impossible Level 50

  1. “cash cow” cash = MOOLAH
  2. item difficult to hold onto = QUICKSILVER
  3. remaining silent = RETICENT
  4. torch holder = SCONCE
  5. forest rising above a marsh = HUMMOCK
  6. pungent pellet = MOTHBALL
  7. final demand = ULTIMATUM