7 Little Words Sunrise 7 Little Words Chocolate 7 Little Words Bridges 7 Little Words Clouds 7 Little Words Lemonade 7 Little Words Symphony 7 Little Words Beaches 7 Little Words Coffee 7 Little Words Sequoias

7 Little Words Sequoias Answers

 Sequoias Level 1

  1. wedding reception essential = CAKE
  2. ice inhibitor = ANTIFREEZE
  3. make incoherent noises = BABBLE
  4. Japanese for “harbor wave” = TSUNAMI
  5. rise and fall of sea level = TIDE
  6. patio cookout = BARBECUE
  7. comical tumbling = PRATFALL

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 2

  1. porous sea creature = SPONGE
  2. unforeseen trouble = PITFALL
  3. Disney specialty = ANIMATION
  4. change and rearrange = TRANSFORM
  5. Disney deer = BAMBI
  6. covered with spots = MOTTLED
  7. enthusiastic = KEEN

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 3

  1. Japanese king of the monsters = GODZILLA
  2. marine gem = PEARL
  3. souvenir = KEEPSAKE
  4. school or work storage area = LOCKER
  5. pencil tip = ERASER
  6. utter nonsense = GIBBERISH
  7. show silent disappointment = SULK

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 4

  1. reptile with a warning system = RATTLESNAKE
  2. time keeper = CLOCK
  3. witty exchange = REPARTEE
  4. very fast = SPEEDY
  5. bow missile = ARROW
  6. mental image = VISION
  7. way to serve eggs = POACHED

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 5

  1. haggle = DICKER
  2. move unexpectedly = JERK
  3. clever = WITTY
  4. on your own two feet = BIPEDAL
  5. revolving spindle = CAPSTAN
  6. opposite of horizontal = VERTICAL
  7. country reunited in 1990 = GERMANY

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 6

  1. food snob = GOURMET
  2. many an -ectomy = SURGERY
  3. become an expert at = MASTER
  4. angry and unpleasant = ACRIMONIOUS
  5. sincere regret = CONTRITION
  6. backbone = SPINE
  7. informal gathering = SOCIAL

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 7

  1. 2.54 centimeters = INCH
  2. capital of Wisconsin = MADISON
  3. flower pollinators = BEES
  4. available but not necessary = OPTIONAL
  5. large city = METROPOLIS
  6. item of food = VIAND
  7. one keeping watch = SENTINEL

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 8

  1. four cups = QUART
  2. tip over = UPEND
  3. movie star = ACTOR
  4. epic = LEGENDARY
  5. Swiss or Samsoe = CHEESE
  6. tire brand = FIRESTONE
  7. put together = ASSEMBLE

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 9

  1. place to launch an attack = BEACHHEAD
  2. salty snack = PRETZEL
  3. bit in Cracker Jack = PEANUT
  4. something you pack = SUITCASE
  5. special skill or knack = TRICK
  6. stack = PILE
  7. take down the quarterback = SACK

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 10

  1. banana damage = BRUISE
  2. home of the Packers = WISCONSIN
  3. “M*A*S*H” character = RADAR
  4. peculiar trait = MANNERISM
  5. countrified violin = FIDDLE
  6. dolt = CHUMP
  7. popular cobbler choice = PEACH

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 11

  1. dairy product = MILK
  2. slightly off-center = CROOKED
  3. shining metal = CHROME
  4. darkest color = BLACK
  5. nest alternative = BIRDHOUSE
  6. point of view = PERSPECTIVE
  7. contest = COMPETITION

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 12

  1. more microscopic = SMALLER
  2. move slowly = DALLY
  3. vitality = ENERGY
  4. stadium display = SCOREBOARD
  5. “Batman” star Adam = WEST
  6. stomach content = ACID
  7. study of life = BIOLOGY

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 13

  1. absence of political authority = ANARCHY
  2. Clark Kent’s hometown = SMALLVILLE
  3. it has a gnomon = SUNDIAL
  4. flock member = LAMB
  5. not give in = RESIST
  6. voyage or exploration = TREK
  7. verbally fight = BICKER

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 14

  1. defect of the eye = ASTIGMATISM
  2. imprint made with ink or wax = STAMP
  3. one who has “class” = TEACHER
  4. potato dumplings = GNOCCHI
  5. duck and dodge = EVADE
  6. dental woe = CAVITY
  7. swap = TRADE

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 15

  1. where you grew up = HOMETOWN
  2. change of climate = WEATHER
  3. voice amplifier = BULLHORN
  4. musical TV series = GLEE
  5. chess maneuver = CASTLE
  6. reporter’s coup = EXCLUSIVE
  7. catch midway = INTERCEPT

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 16

  1. fried cake = FRITTER
  2. put a stop to = TERMINATE
  3. Frankenstein’s workplace = LABORATORY
  4. frolic = GAMBOL
  5. stupid mistake = GOOF
  6. comic verse = DOGGEREL
  7. river crosser = BRIDGE

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 17

  1. hang around = HOVER
  2. not very active = IDLE
  3. slapstick comedian = KNOCKABOUT
  4. stick around = LINGER
  5. not fully cooked = UNDERDONE
  6. beginning of the day = DAWN
  7. have children = PROCREATE

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 18

  1. sandwich chain = SUBWAY
  2. chained restraints = HANDCUFFS
  3. flower formed into chains = DAISY
  4. Szechenyi Chain Bridge city = BUDAPEST
  5. chain of islands = ARCHIPELAGO
  6. spot for a chain reaction = REACTOR
  7. part of a chain = LINK

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 19

  1. “Beautiful Dreamer” composer = FOSTER
  2. dreamboat = HUNK
  3. dream up = CREATE
  4. daydream = FANTASY
  5. bad dream = NIGHTMARE
  6. “Daydream Believer” group = MONKEES
  7. Dreamliner maker = BOEING

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 20

  1. shy partygoer = WALLFLOWER
  2. worth = VALUE
  3. blade holder = RAZOR
  4. business meeting = CONFERENCE
  5. football variant = RUGBY
  6. guard at the Tower of London = BEEFEATER
  7. catsup brand = HEINZ

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 21

  1. waiter’s income source = TIPS
  2. one who signs up = MEMBER
  3. bakery purchase = LOAF
  4. one who inspires = MUSE
  5. not encumbered = UNBURDENED
  6. global = WORLDWIDE
  7. devotional artwork = ICON

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 22

  1. not eligible to play = INACTIVE
  2. sign of sickness = SYMPTOM
  3. sharpener insert = PENCIL
  4. not taking sides = NEUTRAL
  5. financial resources = MEANS
  6. advertising phrase = SLOGAN
  7. suspend = HANG

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 23

  1. it uses an inked ribbon = TYPEWRITER
  2. pasta made in ribbons = FETTUCCINE
  3. Cleveland’s river = CUYAHOGA
  4. tiny voracious mammal = SHREW
  5. egg on = ENCOURAGE
  6. yellow discoloring of the skin = JAUNDICE
  7. it may be due = PROCESS

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 24

  1. “snowy” bird = EGRET
  2. “Snowbird” singer Anne = MURRAY
  3. snow job = DECEPTION
  4. snow-covered ski mound = MOGUL
  5. “snow” remover = ANTENNA
  6. snow “job” = SHOVELING
  7. removal of snow from a glacier = ABLATION

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 25

  1. game with bowlers = CRICKET
  2. constricting = NARROW
  3. light bulb wire = FILAMENT
  4. interfere = MEDDLE
  5. “Home Improvement” neighbor = WILSON
  6. made smaller = SHRUNKEN
  7. jostle roughly = HUSTLE

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 26

  1. noisy activity = BUSTLE
  2. what comedians hope to get = LAUGHS
  3. soup with clams = CHOWDER
  4. pull apart = SEPARATE
  5. tempura binder = YOLK
  6. eyelash darkener = MASCARA
  7. apple, for William Tell = TARGET

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 27

  1. unpleasant sight = EYESORE
  2. Polonius, to Laertes = FATHER
  3. major shock = JOLT
  4. evil one = FIEND
  5. balderdash = EYEWASH
  6. duplicate = COUNTERPART
  7. yell = HOLLER

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 28

  1. second-hand evidence = HEARSAY
  2. like a geode = HOLLOW
  3. religious song = SPIRITUAL
  4. meat eschewer = VEGETARIAN
  5. freight mover = TRAIN
  6. deal with the “present” = UNWRAP
  7. lawyer’s customer = CLIENT

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 29

  1. beyond sad = PATHETIC
  2. theft of personal property = LARCENY
  3. in first place = LEADING
  4. lukewarm = TEPID
  5. country singer Urban = KEITH
  6. foliage = GREENERY
  7. what a judge hands down = DECISION

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 30

  1. green insect = KATYDID
  2. faux pas = BLUNDER
  3. tradesman = MERCHANT
  4. frogman = DIVER
  5. hollow portion of a ship = HULL
  6. pertaining to poetry = PARNASSIAN
  7. speedy dog = GREYHOUND

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 31

  1. tiny bits = SMITHEREENS
  2. comb filler = HONEYBEE
  3. hype or ink = PUBLICITY
  4. one with ego issues = SWELLHEAD
  5. unable to sit still = JUMPY
  6. walking stick = STAFF
  7. golfer’s free try = MULLIGAN

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 32

  1. USA Today, for one = NEWSPAPER
  2. fire department figure = MARSHAL
  3. an eye for an eye = REPRISAL
  4. notably large = CONSIDERABLE
  5. military governing group = JUNTA
  6. colonel or captain = RANK
  7. very windy = BLUSTERY

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 33

  1. elegant or fancy = RITZY
  2. filled to capacity = PACKED
  3. kind of onion or shorts = BERMUDA
  4. logical “Star Trek” character = SPOCK
  5. hospital attire = SCRUBS
  6. defiant one = REBEL
  7. two-player nautical game = BATTLESHIP

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 34

  1. bruise = CONTUSION
  2. quacker = DUCK
  3. get back underway = RESUME
  4. “Jack” fish species = MACKEREL
  5. electrical barb shooter = TASER
  6. go around the edges of = SKIRT
  7. worn handkerchief = BANDANNA

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 35

  1. looking glass = MIRROR
  2. boudoir = BEDROOM
  3. drop out = QUIT
  4. Democrat’s opponent = REPUBLICAN
  5. baton waver = BANDLEADER
  6. requiring immediate action = URGENT
  7. one-piece swimsuit = MAILLOT

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 36

  1. heavy bedcover = COMFORTER
  2. not dressy = CASUAL
  3. costume favored by old Elvis = JUMPSUIT
  4. chocolate candy = FUDGE
  5. bearlike = URSINE
  6. rumor heard at the hive = BUZZ
  7. outer cover of the eyeball = SCLERA

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 37

  1. circling bird of prey = BUZZARD
  2. what peace talks might resolve = DIFFERENCES
  3. result of ground grain = FLOUR
  4. lakeshore activity = WADING
  5. artificial channel = GULLY
  6. time spent with an artist = SITTING
  7. bootlicker = SYCOPHANT

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 38

  1. in the vicinity of = WARM
  2. solidly built = THICKSET
  3. colored eye part = IRIS
  4. rap sheet listing = PRIORS
  5. bolt twister = WRENCH
  6. sleep = SLUMBER
  7. she was pestered by a pea = PRINCESS

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 39

  1. hockey score = GOAL
  2. moon-landing craft = MODULE
  3. irresistible = KNOCKDOWN
  4. evacuation practice = DRILL
  5. Abbott’s partner = COSTELLO
  6. pay attention = LISTEN
  7. planetary path = ORBIT

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 40

  1. ring bearer’s burden = PILLOW
  2. early show = MATINEE
  3. tart = SOUR
  4. association of companies = CONSORTIUM
  5. gargling liquid = MOUTHWASH
  6. soften the impact = CUSHION
  7. part of the leg = THIGH

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 41

  1. reporter’s need = SOURCE
  2. secret = COVERT
  3. regularly attend = FREQUENT
  4. pain in the lower back = LUMBAGO
  5. substance used in mattresses = FOAM
  6. hot green pepper = JALAPENO
  7. make like a prairie dog = BURROW

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 42

  1. college housing = DORMITORY
  2. prepared for a trip = PACKED
  3. stomach settler = ANTACID
  4. Sudoku, for one = PUZZLE
  5. feel = SENSE
  6. scenic time at the beach = SUNSET
  7. fish-eating bird = PELICAN

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 43

  1. old calculator = ABACUS
  2. medal recipient = WINNER
  3. company head = BOSS
  4. bratty = SPOILED
  5. not very feminine = MANNISH
  6. Ivy League school = YALE
  7. sudden rainstorm = CLOUDBURST

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 44

  1. financial backer = ANGEL
  2. spend money freely = SPLURGE
  3. dressed = DECENT
  4. sit for a photograph = POSE
  5. desert hazard = SANDSTORM
  6. heavy burden = ONUS
  7. voltage adjuster = TRANSFORMER

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 45

  1. frank topping = MUSTARD
  2. table = POSTPONE
  3. Chris Martin’s band = COLDPLAY
  4. drug delivery method = INJECTION
  5. one of the Great Lakes = HURON
  6. chess piece or black bird = ROOK
  7. pungent poisonous gas = AMMONIA

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 46

  1. dwelling made of skins = TEPEE
  2. newspaper banner = HEADLINE
  3. job form = APPLICATION
  4. spirited horse = STEED
  5. written schoolwork = PAPER
  6. currency made from shells = WAMPUM
  7. Tibetan beasts = YAKS

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 47

  1. make mandatory = STIPULATE
  2. cold-smoked herring = KIPPER
  3. Coke rival = PEPSI
  4. hard-shelled insect = BEETLE
  5. peanut = GOOBER
  6. add water to = HYDRATE
  7. it has room for change = POCKET

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 48

  1. it gets your heart pumping = EXERCISE
  2. “Willy Wonka” star Gene = WILDER
  3. bone break = FRACTURE
  4. overwhelming victory = RUNAWAY
  5. unleavened bread = MATZO
  6. uncertain = IFFY
  7. stock = INVENTORY

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 49

  1. bile producer = LIVER
  2. continuing competition = RIVALRY
  3. permit = LICENSE
  4. “tickled” keys = IVORIES
  5. knotty snack = PRETZEL
  6. turn on its head = INVERT
  7. Titanic’s undoing = ICEBERG

7 Little Words Sequoias Level 50

  1. salad veggie = RADISH
  2. African nation = ETHIOPIA
  3. fool’s gold = PYRITE
  4. beginning = GENESIS
  5. court game = SQUASH
  6. conceal in your hand = PALM
  7. Australian weapon = BOOMERANG

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