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7 Little Words Mountains Answers

7 Little Words Mountains Level 1

  1. place side by side = JUXTAPOSE
  2. candlemaking substance = PARAFFIN
  3. poison nullifier = ANTIDOTE
  4. travel by car = MOTOR
  5. long ribbons of pasta = LINGUINI
  6. record new sounds on = OVERDUB
  7. eliminate = PURGE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 2

  1. very deep hole = ABYSS
  2. older than dirt = ANCIENT
  3. of untouchable importance = SACROSANCT
  4. silver food fish = HERRING
  5. maze = LABYRINTH
  6. meat stuffed in tubes = SAUSAGE
  7. put up roadblocks = STYMIE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 3

  1. ticket fee = ADMISSION
  2. Larry Ellison’s tech company = ORACLE
  3. all of us = EVERYBODY
  4. deception = RUSE
  5. partner of crossbones = SKULL
  6. domineering = BOSSY
  7. “Mad” magazine specialty = PARODY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 4

  1. harvest output = YIELD
  2. coarsely ground corn = HOMINY
  3. not able to defend oneself = HELPLESS
  4. result of subtraction = DIFFERENCE
  5. short letter = NOTE
  6. unexpected announcement = BOMBSHELL
  7. gun or glaive = WEAPON

7 Little Words Mountains Level 5

  1. unattractive = HOMELY
  2. dull pain = ACHE
  3. squeezebox = CONCERTINA
  4. high singing voice = TREBLE
  5. eschew the doorbell = KNOCK
  6. silly = LOOPY
  7. sprout = GERMINATE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 6

  1. socket insert = LIGHTBULB
  2. not as large = SMALLER
  3. snap = BREAK
  4. unanticipated incident = ACCIDENT
  5. launch preceder = COUNTDOWN
  6. very tasty = DELECTABLE
  7. soft wavering light = SHIMMER

7 Little Words Mountains Level 7

  1. given to crying = WEEPY
  2. Olive’s guy = POPEYE
  3. Oregon Trail followers = SETTLERS
  4. light touch = BRUSH
  5. statement of petition = REQUEST
  6. Beatles member John = LENNON
  7. “of course” = NATURALLY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 8

  1. shot to the chin = UPPERCUT
  2. for a short time = BRIEFLY
  3. unwavering = ADAMANT
  4. grazing area = FIELD
  5. state flower of Nevada = SAGEBRUSH
  6. in good health = HALE
  7. discrete quantity of energy = QUANTUM

7 Little Words Mountains Level 9

  2. funny car’s brake = PARACHUTE
  3. deceptive talk = JIVE
  4. special talent = FORTE
  5. at double time = QUICKLY
  6. “Cool Runnings” star John = CANDY
  7. swing dance = JITTERBUG

7 Little Words Mountains Level 10

  1. guinea pig = CAVY
  2. Diana Ross’s group = SUPREMES
  3. Batman’s butler = ALFRED
  4. work with a libretto and score = OPERA
  5. abrasive product = SANDPAPER
  6. increase in value = APPRECIATE
  7. Venetian boatman = GONDOLIER

7 Little Words Mountains Level 11

  1. intense enthusiasm = FERVOR
  2. time away from work = LEISURE
  3. groundskeeper’s ride = MOWER
  4. having strict moral standards = PURITANICAL
  5. well-versed writer = POET
  6. study of language structures = GRAMMAR
  7. free prize = GIVEAWAY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 12

  1. substance rubbed on bows = ROSIN
  2. Pacific Northwest state = OREGON
  3. Han Solo’s first mate = CHEWBACCA
  4. woman’s purse = CLUTCH
  5. offer a caveat = WARN
  6. sharing of secrets = CONFIDENCE
  7. turnpike = TOLLWAY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 13

  1. readily available = CONVENIENT
  2. high-speed traffic site = FREEWAY
  3. film equipment = PROJECTOR
  4. use a vacuum = CLEAN
  5. protection = SECURITY
  6. “Curious” monkey = GEORGE
  7. consisting of words = VERBAL

7 Little Words Mountains Level 14

  1. Celine Dion or Shania Twain = CANADIAN
  2. go backwards = REVERSE
  3. make into a whole = UNIFY
  4. carry on = CONTINUE
  5. like some newspapers = DAILY
  6. toy = PLAYTHING
  7. moveable piece of train track = SWITCH

7 Little Words Mountains Level 15

  1. web master = SPIDER
  2. surly = GRUFF
  3. cut off from friends = LONESOME
  4. not very interesting = FORGETTABLE
  5. “likewise” = DITTO
  6. lawsuit compensation = DAMAGES
  7. chase = PURSUIT

7 Little Words Mountains Level 16

  1. jounce up and down = DANDLE
  2. unwise = FOOLISH
  3. street intersection = CROSSING
  4. medical care = TREATMENT
  5. possible kickoff result = TOUCHBACK
  6. exercise the mind = THINK
  7. drill practice = DENTISTRY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 17

  1. “Blow the Man Down,” for one = SHANTY
  2. blow up = ENLARGE
  3. blown away = STUNNED
  4. ex-Beatles “Blow Away” singer = HARRISON
  5. blowing up = EXPLODING
  6. hit with an open-handed blow = SLAPPED
  7. variety of blowfish = PUFFER

7 Little Words Mountains Level 18

  1. degree of heat or cold = TEMPERATURE
  2. sea dog = SAILOR
  3. hip or cool = GROOVY
  4. supreme ruler = DICTATOR
  5. convincing evidence = PROOF
  6. interminable = TIMELESS
  7. one of The Judds = NAOMI

7 Little Words Mountains Level 19

  1. course of food = DIET
  2. excavating machine = DIGGER
  3. calm under pressure = COOL
  4. regular routine = GROOVE
  5. engage in talking = CONVERSE
  6. sauce-thickening process = REDUCTION
  7. working idea = THEORY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 20

  1. instructs = TEACHES
  2. from around here = NATIVE
  3. Carl Sagan television series = COSMOS
  4. lines to read = TEXT
  5. group of trees = GROVE
  6. watchman = GUARD
  7. able to answer = RESPONSIVE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 21

  1. newspaper employee = JOURNALIST
  2. endearing = SWEET
  3. falling to pieces = UNDONE
  4. realtor’s objective = OFFER
  5. liquid, as lava = MOLTEN
  6. conceited fop = COCKSCOMB
  7. teeth neighbors = GUMS

7 Little Words Mountains Level 22

  1. regular custom = HABIT
  2. hive hobby = BEEKEEPING
  3. corset piece = STAY
  4. tremble = SHAKE
  5. fussy = PARTICULAR
  6. movie or painting = PICTURE
  7. elephant in a kid’s book = BABAR

7 Little Words Mountains Level 23

  1. watering hole = OASIS
  2. watermelon remnant = RIND
  3. water vapor = STEAM
  4. type of waterfowl = MALLARDS
  5. waterlogged = SATURATED
  6. “Watership Down” creature = RABBIT
  7. waterproofing material = SEALANT

7 Little Words Mountains Level 24

  1. resonant part of a violin = SOUNDBOARD
  2. four times a year = QUARTERLY
  3. provide assistance = HELP
  4. Mrs. C of “Happy Days” = MARION
  5. not complicated = SIMPLE
  6. work with film = DEVELOP
  7. top of the world = POLE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 25

  1. cold continent = ANTARCTICA
  2. Nixon’s undoing = WATERGATE
  3. perennial herb = ROSEMARY
  4. showing cleverness = INGENIOUS
  5. place in the mail = POST
  6. language of Mexico = SPANISH
  7. architecture style = GOTHIC

7 Little Words Mountains Level 26

  1. turning point in history = LANDMARK
  2. like the man in the street = AVERAGE
  3. capital of Libya = TRIPOLI
  4. vibration in the voice = TRILL
  5. more succulent = JUICIER
  6. see eye to eye = AGREE
  7. defeat = OVERTHROW

7 Little Words Mountains Level 27

  1. emit streams of light = RADIATE
  2. regular practice = ROUTINE
  3. lacking feeling = NUMB
  4. penalty = INFRACTION
  5. plumbing tool = SNAKE
  6. failure to win = LOSS
  7. stirring emotions = MOVING

7 Little Words Mountains Level 28

  1. hit with a fine = PENALIZE
  2. exhibit = DISPLAY
  3. Senate influencer = LOBBYIST
  4. radish or beet = ROOT
  5. snipping tool = SCISSORS
  6. meteorologist = WEATHERMAN
  7. river opening = MOUTH

7 Little Words Mountains Level 29

  1. stirring up old memories = SENTIMENTAL
  2. part of a sonata = MOVEMENT
  3. house mover = REALTOR
  4. scatter to the four winds = DISPERSE
  5. movie critic = REVIEWER
  6. medicinal measure = DOSE
  7. tiny portable computer = NETBOOK

7 Little Words Mountains Level 30

  1. famous = CELEBRATED
  2. consent = PERMISSION
  3. it loves company = MISERY
  4. impudence = NERVE
  5. emitting alpha particles = RADIOACTIVE
  6. page producer = PRINTER
  7. gnawing mammal = RODENT

7 Little Words Mountains Level 31

  1. upshot = CONCLUSION
  2. uproar = CACOPHONY
  3. upstanding = VIRTUOUS
  4. uplifting = INSPIRING
  5. uprising = REBELLION
  6. upright piano = SPINET
  7. upbeat = POSITIVE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 32

  1. finding a position for = PLACEMENT
  2. iPod accessory = DOCK
  3. apply, as force = EXERT
  4. Ohio city = AKRON
  5. second thoughts = QUALMS
  6. how you carry yourself = BEARING
  7. dental problem = OVERBITE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 33

  1. distressing = PAINFUL
  2. small household item = NOTION
  3. prickly shrub = BRIAR
  4. one who goes by the book = STICKLER
  5. containing pictures = ILLUSTRATED
  6. look of contempt = SNEER
  7. like a shrinking violet = BASHFUL

7 Little Words Mountains Level 34

  1. cover, as with cooked onions = SMOTHER
  2. parting word = GOODBYE
  3. kind of truck = PICKUP
  4. desert image = MIRAGE
  5. firefighter’s goal = CONTAINMENT
  6. news alert = BULLETIN
  7. Pinocchio, for one = PUPPET

7 Little Words Mountains Level 35

  1. remember = RECALL
  2. kitten’s cry = MEOW
  3. big name in glass = TIFFANY
  4. kind of pink = REDDISH
  5. pay attention to = MIND
  6. “Gilligan’s Island” event = SHIPWRECK
  7. slow-moving animal = TORTOISE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 36

  1. reduce to strips = SHRED
  2. money in the collection plate = DONATION
  3. lag behind = TRAIL
  4. thumb a ride = HITCHHIKE
  5. Smokey Bear’s concern = FIRE
  6. know by heart = MEMORIZE
  7. tiny organisms = BACTERIA

7 Little Words Mountains Level 37

  1. tires = FATIGUES
  2. indecent = SHAMEFUL
  3. tool or utensil = IMPLEMENT
  4. society shunner = HERMIT
  5. make further use of = RECYCLE
  6. come to the rescue of = SAVE
  7. whiteboard companion = MARKER

7 Little Words Mountains Level 38

  1. cause to happen = EFFECT
  2. Indiana native = HOOSIER
  3. business of government = POLITICS
  4. security = PROTECTION
  5. rubbing the wrong way = ABRASIVE
  6. run the wrong way = MISMANAGE
  7. not so well = SICKLY

7 Little Words Mountains Level 39

  1. askance = SIDEWAYS
  2. hunch = INTUITION
  3. tax paid on property = ASSESSMENT
  4. contentious argument = CONTROVERSY
  5. alternative to briefs = BOXERS
  6. not hollow = SOLID
  7. school dance = PROM

7 Little Words Mountains Level 40

  1. glum = DOUR
  2. rumors = SCUTTLEBUTT
  3. socks = STOCKINGS
  4. start a paragraph = INDENT
  5. make a difference = MATTER
  6. pick up the tab = TREAT
  7. neighbor of Portugal = SPAIN

7 Little Words Mountains Level 41

  1. non compos mentis = INSANE
  2. stoop = CONDESCEND
  3. one with a business interest = STAKEHOLDER
  4. scalpel wielder = SURGEON
  5. accidental occurrence = INCIDENT
  6. “The Call of the Wild” author = LONDON
  7. trash = REFUSE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 42

  1. state with a panhandle = OKLAHOMA
  2. one with foresight = VISIONARY
  3. run a state = GOVERN
  4. property handed down = LEGACY
  5. charming quality = SWEETNESS
  6. instinctive feeling = HUNCH
  7. good name = REPUTATION

7 Little Words Mountains Level 43

  1. away from the public = PRIVATE
  2. plan a complicated event = ORCHESTRATE
  3. keep within tight restrictions = STINT
  4. occurred earlier = PREVIOUS
  5. city adminstrator = MAYOR
  6. abnormally expanded = SWOLLEN
  7. sudden intake of breath = GASP

7 Little Words Mountains Level 44

  1. take a shine to = FANCY
  2. very intricate = COMPLICATED
  3. ending suddenly = ABRUPT
  4. endure defeat = SUFFER
  5. court jester = FOOL
  6. art revival = RENAISSANCE
  7. mental strain = TENSION

7 Little Words Mountains Level 45

  1. most populated island of Spain = TENERIFE
  2. magnificent = SPLENDID
  3. being = EXISTENCE
  4. raise up = ELEVATE
  5. take notice of = RECOGNIZE
  6. protective garments = OVERALLS
  7. carp = COMPLAIN

7 Little Words Mountains Level 46

  1. bee flat = HIVE
  2. flat-bottom boat = PONTOON
  3. flattened hat = BERET
  4. flat tire = BLOWOUT
  5. what a flat drink lacks = CARBONATION
  6. ran flat out = SPRINTED
  7. flat bone across the chest = STERNUM

7 Little Words Mountains Level 47

  1. spread from person to person = PROPAGATE
  2. spread owner = RANCHERS
  3. widespread = RIFE
  4. bread spread = OLEO
  5. spread on thickly = SLATHER
  6. spreadsheet numbers = DATA
  7. food in a fancy spread = CAVIAR

7 Little Words Mountains Level 48

  1. resisting wear = DURABLE
  2. communication = INTERACTION
  3. continue = SUBSIST
  4. course of conduct = POLICY
  5. “order in the court!” = SILENCE
  6. reliable = TRUSTWORTHY
  7. cozy = COMFORTABLE

7 Little Words Mountains Level 49

  1. friend of Snap and Pop = CRACKLE
  2. snappy comeback = ZINGER
  3. alternative to snaps = VELCRO
  4. hat with a snap brim = FEDORA
  5. snapping turtle’s home = POND
  6. snap the “bracelets” on = HANDCUFF
  7. snappish = PETULANT

7 Little Words Mountains Level 50

  1. part of a job hunt = INTERVIEW
  2. bone-retrieval board game = OPERATION
  3. Petula Clark hit song = DOWNTOWN
  4. wearing a hidden mike = WIRED
  5. in the usual manner = CUSTOMARY
  6. city official = ALDERMAN
  7. rough in manner = BRUSQUE

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