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7 Little Words Easy Peasy Answers

 Easy Peasy Level 1

  1. female sibling = SISTER
  2. gather up = COLLECT
  3. French or Spanish = LANGUAGE
  4. one working with a brush = PAINTER
  5. period of 100 years = CENTURY
  6. think over again = RECONSIDER
  7. fire, as a gun = SHOOT

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 2

  1. dustlike substance = POWDER
  2. specific = CERTAIN
  3. late meal = DINNER
  4. shoulder blade = SCAPULA
  5. end of a rifle = BARREL
  6. dive with a big splash = CANNONBALL
  7. insects = BUGS

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 3

  1. flow of water = CURRENT
  2. walk through mud = SQUISH
  3. incognito = DISGUISED
  4. frightful = GRUESOME
  5. thin band of magnetic film = VIDEOTAPE
  6. sudden burst of light = FLASH
  7. Japanese rice dish = SUSHI

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 4

  1. really annoy = EXASPERATE
  2. ten plus five = FIFTEEN
  3. assurances = PROMISES
  4. Bambi’s home = WOODS
  5. demanding = STRICT
  6. of any kind = WHATEVER
  7. scared = AFRAID

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 5

  1. street location = ADDRESS
  2. trumpet metal = BRASS
  3. kind of wrench = MONKEY
  4. refrigerator neighbor = FREEZER
  5. overpower with strength = FORCE
  6. bouyant = AFLOAT
  7. construction equipment = BULLDOZER

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 6

  1. quiver = VIBRATION
  2. early part of the day = MORNING
  3. painters or sculptors = ARTISTS
  4. series of links = CHAIN
  5. water channel = RACEWAY
  6. slangy auto = WHEELS
  7. army member = SOLDIER

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 7

  1. rocking bed = CRADLE
  2. incredible feat = STUNT
  3. mechanical device = MACHINE
  4. bicycle part = HANDLEBARS
  5. popular yogurt brand = DANNON
  6. ocean plant = SEAWEED
  7. hamburger = PATTY

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 8

  1. put on the scale = WEIGH
  2. person you can’t believe = LIAR
  3. work in front of an audience = PERFORM
  4. burden = LOAD
  5. thin pasta = VERMICELLI
  6. do harm to = DAMAGE
  7. light-colored hair = BLONDE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 9

  1. fail miserably = FIZZLE
  2. English class activity = WRITING
  3. residents of Shanghai = CHINESE
  4. round, rolling plant = TUMBLEWEED
  5. pink lawn bird = FLAMINGO
  6. YouTube upload = VIDEO
  7. piece of ice from the sky = HAILSTONE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 10

  1. TV collie = LASSIE
  2. singable words = LYRICS
  3. instrument with four strings = VIOLIN
  4. fearful = HORRENDOUS
  5. United States = AMERICA
  6. TV photographer = CAMERAMAN
  7. after today = TOMORROW

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 11

  1. one facing El Toro = BULLFIGHTER
  2. call off = CANCEL
  3. popular search engine = GOOGLE
  4. crocodile cousin = ALLIGATOR
  5. honest statement = TRUTH
  6. spiky plant = CACTI
  7. swiveling joints = HIPS

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 12

  1. amateur sports event = OLYMPICS
  2. French fry vegetables = POTATOES
  3. payments to the government = TAXES
  4. making books = PRINTING
  5. wax pencil = CRAYON
  6. dangerous activity = RISK
  7. teacher’s domain = CLASSROOM

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 13

  1. seen everyday = COMMONPLACE
  2. small cut = SCRATCH
  3. checkered cloth pattern = PLAID
  4. soda choice = COLA
  5. red fruit = CHERRY
  6. pottery jar = CROCK
  7. diner employee = WAITRESS

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 14

  1. x-ray vision and flight = SUPERPOWERS
  2. uncontrollable = WILD
  3. dried grapes = RAISINS
  4. nothing fancy = PLAIN
  5. metal plate for cooking = GRIDDLE
  6. custard-filled pastry = ECLAIR
  7. spaghetti topper = MEATBALL

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 15

  1. skin spots = FRECKLES
  2. humorous story = JOKE
  3. a, e, i, o, or u = VOWEL
  4. error = MISTAKE
  5. game played over a net = VOLLEYBALL
  6. fancy plates = CHINA
  7. knives, forks, and spoons = SILVERWARE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 16

  1. first-year college student = FRESHMAN
  2. mountaintop song = YODEL
  3. troubled = UPSET
  4. camera attachments = LENSES
  5. mixed up = CONFUSED
  6. reply = ANSWER
  7. breakfast drink = JUICE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 17

  1. animation figure = CARTOON
  2. skunk’s defense = SPRAYING
  3. collect together = GATHER
  4. Parliament member = LORD
  5. kids = CHILDREN
  6. smog = POLLUTION
  7. cavalry headquarters = FORT

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 18

  1. dictation taker = SECRETARY
  2. transparent = CLEAR
  3. grass around the house = LAWN
  4. plane with no engine = GLIDER
  5. advantage in basketball = HEIGHT
  6. one taking bids = AUCTIONEER
  7. movie about cowboys = WESTERN

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 19

  1. mottled horse = PINTO
  2. burrito wrapper = TORTILLA
  3. puppet brought to life = PINOCCHIO
  4. room divider = WALL
  5. year behind senior = JUNIOR
  6. surprise = STARTLE
  7. closet contents = CLOTHES

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 20

  1. touch that makes you laugh = TICKLE
  2. short golf club = PUTTER
  3. edible plant = VEGETABLE
  4. Clark Kent’s alter ego = SUPERMAN
  5. throw out = PITCH
  6. tournament winner = CHAMP
  7. insect attracted to light = MOTH

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 21

  1. southern state = FLORIDA
  2. bed cover = QUILT
  3. urban bird = PIGEON
  4. hard to do = DIFFICULT
  5. put in order = ARRANGE
  6. sound blockers = EARPLUGS
  7. clay dishes = POTTERY

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 22

  1. party thrower = HOST
  2. one who checks out books = LIBRARIAN
  3. spin rapidly = TWIRL
  4. pool of rainwater = PUDDLE
  5. coin metal = SILVER
  6. leak fixer = PLUMBER
  7. lots of fun = DELIGHTFUL

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 23

  1. bad guy = CROOK
  2. egg order = SCRAMBLED
  3. spaghetti, for one = PASTA
  4. Internet node = COMPUTER
  5. group of buffalo = HERD
  6. snagged = CAUGHT
  7. buzzing insect = HOUSEFLY

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 24

  1. biceps and triceps = MUSCLES
  2. pair born together = TWINS
  3. parachute user = SKYDIVER
  4. grass shade = GREEN
  5. like a cat = FELINE
  6. reporter’s story = NEWS
  7. acrobatic maneuver = BACKFLIP

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 25

  1. slick = OILY
  2. nickels and dimes = COINS
  3. eggy dish = OMELET
  4. dribbled, as a basketball = BOUNCED
  5. weed puller, at times = GARDENER
  6. baby’s room = NURSERY
  7. nothing special = ORDINARY

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 26

  1. truthful = HONEST
  2. twosome = COUPLE
  3. baby in a sty = PIGLET
  4. putting up a fight = FIERCE
  5. pile = STACK
  6. moon stage = FULL
  7. clapped one’s hands = APPLAUDED

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 27

  1. show signs of a cold = SNIFFLE
  2. chef”s task = COOKING
  3. camper’s home base = TENT
  4. grasp the meaning of = UNDERSTAND
  5. palace manservant = BUTLER
  6. close partner = SIDEKICK
  7. sign of fire = SMOKE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 28

  1. student = SCHOLAR
  2. wipe away = ERASE
  3. having little money = POOR
  4. hold = CONTAIN
  5. dictionary offering = DEFINITION
  6. eggy dish = SOUFFLE
  7. wild horse = MUSTANG

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 29

  1. bloodsucking worm = LEECH
  2. very very small = MICROSCOPIC
  3. black eye = SHINER
  4. glove part = THUMB
  5. spin on a pool ball = ENGLISH
  6. Tony Hawk’s expertise = SKATEBOARD
  7. car motor = ENGINE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 30

  1. egg holder = NEST
  2. wise birds = OWLS
  3. bicycle trick = WHEELIE
  4. ran over = TRAMPLED
  5. track animal = RACEHORSE
  6. firefighting equipment = HOSE
  7. fourth-largest U.S. State = MONTANA

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 31

  1. go down in defeat = LOSE
  2. kitchen cabinet = CUPBOARD
  3. fang = TOOTH
  4. a girl’s best friend, they say = DIAMONDS
  5. hiding passenger = STOWAWAY
  6. cable box = TELEVISION
  7. large ocean = ATLANTIC

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 32

  1. playing cards suits = HEARTS
  2. hot dog = FRANKFURTER
  3. bread grain = WHEAT
  4. cute rabbits = BUNNIES
  5. spectacular hoops feat = DUNK
  6. sports participant = ATHLETE
  7. Teen Choice Awards award = SURFBOARD

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 33

  1. sandwich part = BREAD
  2. game with kings and jumping = CHECKERS
  3. strong wind = GALE
  4. what dogs can’t see = COLORS
  5. guests = COMPANY
  6. family get-together = REUNION
  7. stinging insect = HORNET

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 34

  1. digit protection = FINGERNAIL
  2. official order = COMMAND
  3. keyboard instrument = PIANO
  4. catch some shuteye = SLEEP
  5. warehouse room = STORAGE
  6. business clothing = SUIT
  7. auto racer Danica = PATRICK

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 35

  1. freedom = LIBERTY
  2. fill a suitcase = PACK
  3. place to buy a novel = BOOKSTORE
  4. certain kind = TYPE
  5. spanking, for one = PUNISHMENT
  6. possessing good judgment = WISE
  7. male chicken = ROOSTER

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 36

  1. grate together = GRIND
  2. it makes bread dough rise = YEAST
  3. light jacket = WINDBREAKER
  4. not imaginary = REAL
  5. firecracker sound = BANG
  6. better than average = SUPERIOR
  7. find = LOCATE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 37

  1. polite and agreeable = PLEASANT
  2. make changes to = REVISE
  3. huge cut = GASH
  4. meadow surface = GRASS
  5. horse rider = JOCKEY
  6. office furniture = DESK
  7. bad news from the dentist = CAVITIES

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 38

  1. lasting forever = PERMANENT
  2. lambs’ guide = SHEPHERD
  3. pickle vegetable = CUCUMBER
  4. show to be true = PROVE
  5. book page = LEAF
  6. stringed instrument = HARP
  7. tin or copper = METAL

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 39

  1. soup server = SPOON
  2. long sled = TOBOGGAN
  3. after-shower attire = BATHROBE
  4. bar in the shower = SOAP
  5. spice from tree bark = CINNAMON
  6. court materials = EVIDENCE
  7. island nation = CUBA

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 40

  1. electrical work = WIRING
  2. grove of fruit trees = ORCHARD
  3. mouse catcher = TRAP
  4. in the pool = SWIMMING
  5. not willing to budge = FIRM
  6. march steadily = TRAMP
  7. of the army = MILITARY

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 41

  1. storm sound = THUNDER
  2. train tracks = RAILS
  3. old Roman attire = TOGA
  4. Gadget’s title = INSPECTOR
  5. neck vein = JUGULAR
  6. defeat badly = TROUNCE
  7. said out loud = SPOKEN

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 42

  1. financial arrangement = TRUST
  2. put a point on a pencil = SHARPEN
  3. five-cent piece = NICKEL
  4. Superman’s comic = ACTION
  5. watch = OBSERVE
  6. gun part = TRIGGER
  7. carved representation = STATUE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 43

  1. oil well tower = DERRICK
  2. unaffected = IMMUNE
  3. like some guitars = ELECTRIC
  4. copy = DUPLICATE
  5. high quality glass = CRYSTAL
  6. Yahtzee equipment = DICE
  7. area = ZONE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 44

  1. cover with ribbons = DECORATE
  2. grungy = DIRTY
  3. just read the highlights = SKIM
  4. light at night = MOONBEAM
  5. “Sesame Street” character = ERNIE
  6. counterfeit = IMITATION
  7. ready for action = ALERT

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 45

  1. have on a leash = CONTROL
  2. travel by ship = CRUISE
  3. computer user = PROGRAMMER
  4. unpredictable = RANDOM
  5. shiny = GLOSSY
  6. wave rider = SURFER
  7. house pests = MICE

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 46

  1. twist or foxtrot = DANCE
  2. doctor’s business = PRACTICE
  3. long-handled tool = SCREWDRIVER
  4. life gives this fruit, this say = LEMON
  5. capital of Japan = TOKYO
  6. Michelle, to Malia and Natasha = MOTHER
  7. construction plan = DESIGN

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 47

  1. variety of salad dressing = ITALIAN
  2. inch by inch = SLOWLY
  3. collect crops = HARVEST
  4. lunch money taker = BULLY
  5. pipe instrument = ORGAN
  6. afraid = SCARED
  7. the same every time = CONSISTENT

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 48

  1. small bit of food = CRUMB
  2. household animals = PETS
  3. count of people = POPULATION
  4. Juliet’s love = ROMEO
  5. chase after flies = SWAT
  6. astronomy tool = TELESCOPE
  7. uncle’s offspring = COUSIN

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 49

  1. white flowers = DAISIES
  2. shining = GLOWING
  3. pillar = COLUMN
  4. small argument = SPAT
  5. spread about = SCATTERED
  6. small spot = SPECK
  7. computer screen = MONITOR

7 Little Words Easy Peasy Level 50

  1. let loose = UNCAGE
  2. semi = TRUCK
  3. thin and floppy = FLIMSY
  4. fighter = WARRIOR
  5. change to another language = TRANSLATE
  6. computer devices = HARDWARE
  7. make certain of = CHECK

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