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7 Little Words Pearls Answers

7 Little Words Pearls Level 1

  1. every seven days = WEEKLY
  2. pine tree = CONIFER
  3. bronx cheer = RASPBERRY
  4. loss at the guillotine = HEAD
  5. from the very beginning = PRIMORDIAL
  6. highest ranking = FOREMOST
  7. chiropractor’s concern = BACKBONE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 2

  1. feeds the furnace = STOKES
  2. talk aimlessly = RAMBLE
  3. what landlords collect = RENT
  4. mystery story figure = SUSPECT
  5. domineered over = HENPECKED
  6. droop = WILT
  7. patella = KNEECAP

7 Little Words Pearls Level 3

  1. caviar source = BELUGA
  2. concerned with money = PECUNIARY
  3. source of money = COFFERS
  4. New York island = MANHATTAN
  5. first-year player = ROOKIE
  6. voice fluctuation = CRACK
  7. tenth out of ten = LAST

7 Little Words Pearls Level 4

  1. Arizona city = FLAGSTAFF
  2. success on the high Cs = SOPRANO
  3. chewable item from a machine = GUMBALL
  4. equipment = APPARATUS
  5. tournament placing = SEED
  6. punish with a whip = FLOG
  7. period of suspension = MORATORIUM

7 Little Words Pearls Level 5

  1. dog pest = FLEA
  2. market place = BAZAAR
  3. trumpet sound = BLAST
  4. fragrant flower = JESSAMINE
  5. without equal = PEERLESS
  6. financially reliable = SOUND
  7. character weaknesses = FOIBLES

7 Little Words Pearls Level 6

  1. British “torch” = FLASHLIGHT
  2. ??clair filling = CUSTARD
  3. sharp = POINTY
  4. avian paramour = LOVEBIRD
  5. bring back to mind = RECOLLECT
  6. angry or passionate = HEATED
  7. tiny burning particle = SPARK

7 Little Words Pearls Level 7

  1. drop out = WITHDRAW
  2. scamper away = SKEDADDLE
  3. move away quickly = SCOOT
  4. put in place = INSTALL
  5. dining room furniture = CREDENZA
  6. in a daze = BEWILDERED
  7. silly behavior = FRIVOLITY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 8

  1. fool = NINCOMPOOP
  2. constant and reliable = STEADFAST
  3. following orders = OBEDIENT
  4. high narrow chest of drawers = CHIFFONIER
  5. fleshy root of a plant = TUBER
  6. carrying a lot of weight = OBESE
  7. partner of blood = FLESH

7 Little Words Pearls Level 9

  1. up-to-date = CURRENT
  2. flowering climbing plant = WISTERIA
  3. projecting furniture = BREAKFRONT
  4. state on the Gulf of Mexico = FLORIDA
  5. flowers or pants = BLOOMERS
  6. fiber on a boll = COTTON
  7. very loyal = STAUNCH

7 Little Words Pearls Level 10

  1. symbol of South Carolina = PALMETTO
  2. sea angler’s trophy = SAILFISH
  3. popular cowboy hat = STETSON
  4. Florida baseball team = MARLINS
  5. small skin opening = PORE
  6. red in the face = RUDDY
  7. coated with varnish = STAINED

7 Little Words Pearls Level 11

  1. ship access = GANGWAY
  2. without difficulty = EASILY
  3. cheerful and happy = SUNNY
  4. clenched hand = FIST
  5. destructive storms = HURRICANES
  6. feeling optimistic = UPBEAT
  7. informational booklet = PAMPHLET

7 Little Words Pearls Level 12

  1. confused = FLUMMOXED
  2. pretentious jabbering = CLAPTRAP
  3. frog eggs = SPAWN
  4. far from humble = VAIN
  5. gets behind the wheel = DRIVES
  6. stubborn = FIRM
  7. officially cancel = REVOKE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 13

  1. claptrap = BUNKUM
  2. not mine = YOURS
  3. cordial reception = WELCOME
  4. not on the schedule = UNPLANNED
  5. earthenware vessel = CROCK
  6. not neatly dressed = FROWZY
  7. Wyoming’s capital = CHEYENNE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 14

  1. bend or curve = CROOK
  2. blanket material = FLANNEL
  3. utter nonsense = FOLDEROL
  4. overly scholarly = PEDANTIC
  5. wander away = STRAY
  6. gripe = BELLYACHE
  7. form tight hair curls = CRIMP

7 Little Words Pearls Level 15

  1. essay citation = FOOTNOTE
  2. servile person = FLUNKY
  3. coral structure = REEF
  4. planetary explorer = ROVER
  5. say “um” or “er” = HESITATE
  6. offal choice = TRIPE
  7. extended = PROLONGED

7 Little Words Pearls Level 16

  1. stupidity = FOOLISHNESS
  2. unimportant person = NOBODY
  3. madcap = ZANY
  4. obstinate = HEADSTRONG
  5. keeping one’s eyes peeled = OBSERVANT
  6. easily tricked = GULLIBLE
  7. trick = DECEIVE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 17

  1. act up = MISBEHAVE
  2. food connoisseur = GASTRONOME
  3. pulled with force = DRAGGED
  4. supply the eats for = CATER
  5. do some taxidermy = STUFF
  6. silky-coated dog breed = COLLIE
  7. kvetch = YAMMER

7 Little Words Pearls Level 18

  1. nogoodnik = MISCREANT
  2. stave off = PREVENT
  3. bear wearing dungarees = SMOKEY
  4. sign of things to come = AUGUR
  5. be concerned = CARE
  6. merely symbolic = TOKEN
  7. Queen Elizabeth, for one = MATRIARCH

7 Little Words Pearls Level 19

  1. itching to fight = HOSTILE
  2. fir variety = DOUGLAS
  3. wartime fleet = ARMADA
  4. muscle = BRAWN
  5. master builder = ARCHITECT
  6. alderman’s area = WARD
  7. authoritatively forbid = INTERDICT

7 Little Words Pearls Level 20

  1. artistic drawing = DESIGN
  2. drive away = REPEL
  3. warehouse equipment = FORKLIFT
  4. pickup, for one = TRUCK
  5. conformity to customs = PROPRIETY
  6. advisable = WISE
  7. lack of guile = INNOCENCE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 21

  1. unstoppable power = STEAMROLLER
  2. software thief = PIRATE
  3. horseshoe pounder = SMITH
  4. surrender = CEDE
  5. make illegal = PROHIBIT
  6. singer-actress Carey = MARIAH
  7. foamy = FROTHY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 22

  1. well-bred = LADYLIKE
  2. settle the outcome of = DETERMINE
  3. predicting the outcome = FORETELLING
  4. computer storage = INFORMATION
  5. drones’ leader = QUEEN
  6. most important = MAIN
  7. most important = CHIEF

7 Little Words Pearls Level 23

  1. science of trees = FORESTRY
  2. lacking shoes = BAREFOOT
  3. filibuster participant = SENATOR
  4. stories with a purpose = FABLES
  5. Scrooge McDuck’s happiness = RICHES
  6. doze off = SNOOZE
  7. roof gutter = TROUGH

7 Little Words Pearls Level 24

  1. not exact = APPROXIMATE
  2. exhibiting courtesy = GRACIOUS
  3. marching forward = ONWARD
  4. clamorous = NOISY
  5. infant sustenance = FORMULA
  6. they are on the books = LAWS
  7. largest South American country = BRAZIL

7 Little Words Pearls Level 25

  1. recklessly daring = AUDACIOUS
  2. provide an advantage to = BENEFIT
  3. loan = ADVANCE
  4. rush along = HASTEN
  5. start skydiving = JUMP
  6. slangy therapist = SHRINK
  7. fill with new ideas = INSPIRE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 26

  1. Schwinn bicycle = STINGRAY
  2. where chickens sit = PERCH
  3. woofer output = BASS
  4. ship on “Gilligan’s Island” = MINNOW
  5. pole weapon = PIKE
  6. abstract artist Jackson = POLLOCK
  7. one seeking words #1-6 = FISHERMAN

7 Little Words Pearls Level 27

  1. set up for a crime = FRAME
  2. bay leaf or basil = HERB
  3. funnel-shaped receptacle = HOPPER
  4. way the body is held = POSTURE
  5. calendar notation = APPOINTMENT
  6. compose = CONSTITUTE
  7. lacking strength = FEEBLE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 28

  1. almond-flavored pastry = FRANGIPANI
  2. base 10 = DECIMAL
  3. harmless prank = LARK
  4. item of historic interest = RELIC
  5. listless and weak = ANEMIC
  6. easily snapped = BRITTLE
  7. appearance of the face = COMPLEXION

7 Little Words Pearls Level 29

  1. greenish blue shade = TEAL
  2. fruit on a vine = GRAPES
  3. game seeker = HUNTER
  4. wonderful in “Jabberwocky” = FRABJOUS
  5. Italian spice seeker = COLUMBUS
  6. deftly adroit = SLICK
  7. lacking intelligence = VACUOUS

7 Little Words Pearls Level 30

  1. mess up = BUNGLE
  2. yellow fruit = LEMON
  3. freshwater game fish = WALLEYE
  4. frank and outspoken = CANDID
  5. wiener = FRANKFURTER
  6. togetherness = HARMONY
  7. Winnie the Pooh’s favorite = HONEY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 31

  1. German woman = FRAULEIN
  2. sit in a sauna = SWEAT
  3. long-eared animals = DONKEYS
  4. fraternity = BROTHERHOOD
  5. one with a gallery show = ARTIST
  6. reviewer of books = AUDITOR
  7. head fake = FEINT

7 Little Words Pearls Level 32

  1. attempting to deceive = FRAUDULENT
  2. not real = MOCK
  3. socialize = HOBNOB
  4. group of sisters = SORORITY
  5. ardent = DEVOTED
  6. Kelsey Grammer sitcom = FRASIER
  7. bewilder with brilliance = BEDAZZLE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 33

  1. cabbage dish = KRAUT
  2. hot dog topper = RELISH
  3. feral = WILD
  4. surname of two presidents = ROOSEVELT
  5. muffaletta ingredient = OLIVES
  6. kind of lens = ZOOM
  7. turnpikes without tolls = FREEWAYS

7 Little Words Pearls Level 34

  1. lying face down = PROSTRATE
  2. not the leader = FOLLOWER
  3. intensely angry = FURIOUS
  4. out of the ordinary = ATYPICAL
  5. off the hook = EXEMPT
  6. protected from disease = IMMUNE
  7. dropped from memory = FORGOTTEN

7 Little Words Pearls Level 35

  1. leech = FREELOADER
  2. leech, for one = PARASITE
  3. padded = SOFT
  4. cold or flu = ILLNESS
  5. symptom decipherer = DOCTOR
  6. method of reasoning = LOGIC
  7. surprise attack = RAID

7 Little Words Pearls Level 36

  1. deeply troubled = DISTRAUGHT
  2. fervid = VEHEMENT
  3. blocked out = OBSCURED
  4. riches = ABUNDANCE
  5. pool shot consideration = ANGLE
  6. regular hangout = HAUNT
  7. rampant = WIDESPREAD

7 Little Words Pearls Level 37

  1. second year student = SOPHOMORE
  2. untested = GREEN
  3. not dim = BRIGHT
  4. wither = SHRIVEL
  5. fish caught in a stream = TROUT
  6. intense sorrow = ANGUISH
  7. thin-skinned = TOUCHY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 38

  1. others in your classroom = SCHOOLMATES
  2. beef patty = BURGER
  3. take home pay = WAGES
  4. recliner or sedan = CHAIR
  5. restless seeker = GADABOUT
  6. back-slapping = CONVIVIAL
  7. cordiality = AMITY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 39

  1. suddenly surprise = STARTLE
  2. timid = PAVID
  3. idle chatter = BLABBER
  4. hay bundle = BALE
  5. very cold = FREEZING
  6. nautical hazard = WHIRLPOOL
  7. decoration = ADORNMENT

7 Little Words Pearls Level 40

  1. copper coins = PENNIES
  2. full of high spirits = VIVACIOUS
  3. mischievous act = ESCAPADE
  4. sound of impact = SMACK
  5. scuba divers = FROGMEN
  6. Iditarod dog = HUSKY
  7. entr??e = DISH

7 Little Words Pearls Level 41

  1. eat like a chicken = PECK
  2. of great significance = MOMENTOUS
  3. pain in the neck = NUISANCE
  4. baby food = PABLUM
  5. part of USA = UNITED
  6. twister = CYCLONE
  7. Life playing pieces = CARS

7 Little Words Pearls Level 42

  1. sign of bad sunburn = BLISTER
  2. James in “Public Enemy” = CAGNEY
  3. fond of chatter = GARRULOUS
  4. make a burbling noise = GURGLE
  5. talented = GIFTED
  6. darn, as a sock = MEND
  7. costume party = MASQUERADE

7 Little Words Pearls Level 43

  1. small pieces of jewelry = TRINKETS
  2. cord leading to dynamite = FUSE
  3. baseball cap part = VISOR
  4. sullen look = LOWER
  5. untidy = SLOVENLY
  6. put on hold = SUSPENDED
  7. parcel of land = TRACT

7 Little Words Pearls Level 44

  1. change from better to worse = SETBACK
  2. get in the way of = HINDER
  3. fleshy fruit = POME
  4. extremely cold = GLACIAL
  5. realize = ATTAIN
  6. making money = PROFITABLE
  7. deli roll = BAGEL

7 Little Words Pearls Level 45

  1. fruit = WATERMELON
  2. fruit = NECTARINE
  3. fruit = BLUEBERRY
  4. fruit = APRICOT
  5. fruit = CHERRY
  6. fruit = PEAR
  7. fruit = PLUM

7 Little Words Pearls Level 46

  1. engine variety = DIESEL
  2. size or style of printing = TYPEFACE
  3. explosive liquid, briefly = NITRO
  4. means of livelihood = SUSTENANCE
  5. cream soda flavoring = VANILLA
  6. chicken purchase = FRYER
  7. pleasing to the ear = MELODIOUS

7 Little Words Pearls Level 47

  1. complete unit = INTEGRAL
  2. like a rhinestone = SPARKLING
  3. motorcyle maker = KAWASAKI
  4. satisfaction = CONTENTMENT
  5. dental repair = CROWN
  6. hutch set = CHINA
  7. utmost = MAXIMUM

7 Little Words Pearls Level 48

  1. science of matter and energy = PHYSICS
  2. from birth to death = LIFELONG
  3. gather into a whole = AGGREGATE
  4. whole amount = TOTALITY
  5. fancy clothes = FINERY
  6. china piece = PLATE
  7. Enterprise engineer = SCOTTY

7 Little Words Pearls Level 49

  1. 1/8 mile = FURLONG
  2. Monopoly action = ROLL
  3. enthusiastic = FERVENT
  4. steamed = PEEVED
  5. business enterprise = COMPANY
  6. give new life to = RENOVATE
  7. etagere pieces = KNICKKNACKS

7 Little Words Pearls Level 50

  1. explosive device = MINE
  2. initative = GUMPTION
  3. where the furnace is = BASEMENT
  4. of supreme importance = CRUCIAL
  5. intensely hot = TORRID
  6. Isadora Duncan’s art = DANCING
  7. loan security = COLLATERAL

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