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7 Little Words Chocolate answers

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 1

  1. tusked whale = NARWHAL
  2. easy = FACILE
  3. flaws = BLEMISHES
  4. not rabbit food = TRIX
  5. kitchen utensil = SPATULA
  6. save from danger = RESCUE
  7. apartment = FLAT

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 2

  1. explode = BURST
  2. Columbus vessel = PINTA
  3. set up = ESTABLISH
  4. necessary = ESSENTIAL
  5. trig function = SINE
  6. wood for building = TIMBER
  7. New Hampshire stone = GRANITE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 3

  1. out of the ordinary = SPECIAL
  2. place to park = GARAGE
  3. voice inflection = CADENCE
  4. sparkly stuff = GLITTER
  5. has a tail = COMET
  6. turned down for = DENIED
  7. damaging event = CALAMITY

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 4

  1. jaw = MANDIBLE
  2. a mollusk = SCALLOP
  3. band of soldiers = TROOP
  4. churned cream = BUTTER
  5. to fixate = OBSESS
  6. a Roman emperor = HADRIAN
  7. group of trees = STAND

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 5

  1. serving dish = PLATTER
  2. poison = VENOM
  3. join permanently = MARRY
  4. comes with age = WISDOM
  5. Duke’s surname = ELLINGTON
  6. 1/4 penny = FARTHING
  7. goo = SLIME

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 6

  1. talented individual = PHENOM
  2. exposed = NAKED
  3. trade = BARTER
  4. order = SEQUENCE
  5. good on pancakes = SYRUP
  6. do away with = ABOLISH
  7. protect = DEFEND

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 7

  1. sloppy = UNKEMPT
  2. wall paintings = MURALS
  3. seller of stolen goods = FENCE
  4. safe places = HAVENS
  5. chess move = CASTLE
  6. odds and ends = SUNDRIES
  7. keep afloat = BUOY

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 8

  1. conquer = VANQUISH
  2. cause loss of respect = TARNISH
  3. artificial = PLASTIC
  4. replete with happiness = JOYOUS
  5. leftovers = REMNANTS
  6. speedometer pointer = NEEDLE
  7. disappears = VANISHES

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 9

  1. guides = STEERS
  2. sentimental love = ROMANCE
  3. clandestine = SECRET
  4. adherent = STICKY
  5. complete selections = PANOPLIES
  6. distance across circle = DIAMETER
  7. chews loudly = MUNCHES

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 10

  1. send angry email = FLAME
  2. Gilbert’s musical partner = SULLIVAN
  3. spruce up = FRESHEN
  4. slang for mind = NOODLE
  5. vibrates = SHAKES
  6. tropical wood = MAHOGANY
  7. mendicant = BEGGAR

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 11

  1. marsupial = WOMBAT
  2. spring upon = POUNCE
  3. full of hot air = BOMBASTIC
  4. backless chair = STOOL
  5. Kirk’s middle name = TIBERIUS
  6. breakfast food = OATMEAL
  7. tough spot = PICKLE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 12

  1. one who sheds tears easily = CRYBABY
  2. indulge = PANDER
  3. holds up a roof = TRUSS
  4. be like = IMITATE
  5. Calvin’s tiger = HOBBES
  6. scare = FRIGHTEN
  7. not serious = SILLY

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 13

  1. bird of prey = RAPTOR
  2. M.I.T. home = CAMBRIDGE
  3. runs into = COLLIDES
  4. galactic hitchhiking necessity = TOWEL
  5. squirts out milk = UDDER
  6. fool with = TAMPER
  7. wrap up a wound = BANDAGE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 14

  1. nutritional supplement = VITAMIN
  2. one who can fix it all = HANDYMAN
  3. made-up story = FICTION
  4. be proficient = EXCEL
  5. ancient unit of mass = TALENT
  6. benefit = PROFIT
  7. more than one = MULTIPLE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 15

  1. move close to = CROWD
  2. strike with foot = KICK
  3. work toward a goal = CAMPAIGN
  4. most large = BIGGEST
  5. Marty’s friend Doc Brown = INVENTOR
  6. appealing to the masses = POPULAR
  7. beginning = STARTING

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 16

  1. famous person = CELEBRITY
  2. become eligible = QUALIFY
  3. pupil = STUDENT
  4. signal = INDICATE
  5. gotten up = RISEN
  6. NYC university = COLUMBIA
  7. outperform all others = TRUMP

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 17

  1. most tenured = SENIOR
  2. not too deep = SHALLOW
  3. hold up = SUPPORT
  4. provide protection = SHELTER
  5. authoritative position = OFFICE
  6. first workday = MONDAY
  7. move to new location = MIGRATE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 18

  1. reduce intensity = DAMPEN
  2. unimportant = MINOR
  3. got there = ARRIVED
  4. one who owes = DEBTOR
  5. sent down a path = ROUTED
  6. young people = YOUTHS
  7. notified = ALERTED

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 19

  1. say you will = PROMISE
  2. Henry the Eighth’s surname = TUDOR
  3. coalition = LEAGUE
  4. industrial building = FACILITY
  5. disorganized = CHAOTIC
  6. prompt with instructions = COACH
  7. way out = LOOPHOLE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 20

  1. prepping for competition = TRAINING
  2. golf implement = CLUB
  3. having a sharp end = POINTED
  4. in the middle = CENTRAL
  5. presides over the court = JUDGE
  6. acting organization = AGENCY
  7. thought to be = SUPPOSED

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 21

  1. trill = WARBLE
  2. common theme = THREAD
  3. methods = DEVICES
  4. strata = LAYERS
  5. substituted for = REPLACED
  6. risky opening chess move = GAMBIT
  7. communications = MESSAGES

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 22

  1. not shy = CONFIDENT
  2. feel kinship = IDENTIFY
  3. takes away attention = DISTRACTS
  4. like everyone else = NORMAL
  5. anonymous = UNNAMED
  6. begin journey = EMBARK
  7. transport back and forth = SHUTTLE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 23

  1. bear witness = TESTIFY
  2. ending = FINALE
  3. assignment = MISSION
  4. worn to keep warm = JACKET
  5. Homer’s epic = ODYSSEY
  6. relating to the ocean = MARINE
  7. cetacean = DOLPHIN

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 24

  1. head honcho = COMMANDER
  2. affect = INFLUENCE
  3. labor organization = UNION
  4. Egyptian king = PHARAOH
  5. hard mineral = QUARTZ
  6. place of worship = TEMPLE
  7. dig up = UNEARTH

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 25

  1. past deadline = BELATED
  2. invest in a risky manner = SPECULATE
  3. push beyond capacity = STRAIN
  4. asks for = INVITES
  5. strength = MIGHT
  6. something left out = OMISSION
  7. safe and warm = COZY

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 26

  1. man-made waterway = CANAL
  2. difficulty = WRINKLE
  3. go to bed = RETIRE
  4. best or perfect = IDEAL
  5. gathers together = COLLECTS
  6. part of = PORTION
  7. sufficient = ENOUGH

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 27

  1. sugar pill = PLACEBO
  2. cooking place = KITCHEN
  3. black terminal = NEGATIVE
  4. apex = PEAK
  5. be indecisive = WAFFLE
  6. assistant = HELPER
  7. trip to workplace = COMMUTE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 28

  1. mechanical men = ROBOTS
  2. pushed to excel = DRIVEN
  3. slide out of control = SKID
  4. danger = JEOPARDY
  5. calculate = COMPUTE
  6. least ugly = CUTEST
  7. moved ahead = ADVANCED

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 29

  1. bother = PESTER
  2. ability to move = MOBILITY
  3. all of it = WHOLE
  4. assistance = SERVICE
  5. place to buy and sell = MARKET
  6. fondness = AFFECTION
  7. incite to action = STIMULATE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 30

  1. origin = BIRTH
  2. place for reading = STUDY
  3. monthly accounting = STATEMENT
  4. gossip = RUMORS
  5. imply = SUGGEST
  6. revision = VERSION
  7. Casablanca’s Humphrey = BOGART

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 31

  1. great novel = CLASSIC
  2. stop thinking about = FORGET
  3. public honor = HOMAGE
  4. fire-preventing bear = SMOKEY
  5. has boundaries = LIMITED
  6. three-sided figure = TRIANGLE
  7. showing great skill = MASTERFUL

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 32

  1. fruits and vegetables = PRODUCE
  2. Czech capital = PRAGUE
  3. skeptical and negative = CYNICAL
  4. unite with = ALLY
  5. Sanders’ rank = COLONEL
  6. cheap = BUDGET
  7. foreboding = OMINOUS

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 33

  1. prizes = AWARDS
  2. where the train stops = STATION
  3. Sylvester’s fixation = TWEETY
  4. breaks apart = DISSOLVES
  5. avaricious = GREEDY
  6. cast out = EXILED
  7. mysterious = CRYPTIC

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 34

  1. the next one = SEQUEL
  2. worth not forgetting = MEMORABLE
  3. Robin Hood’s forest = SHERWOOD
  4. hero’s adversary = VILLAIN
  5. horn = TRUMPET
  6. suit of clothes = OUTFIT
  7. measuring stick = RULER

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 35

  1. play imaginatively = PRETEND
  2. Andy Taylor’s job = SHERIFF
  3. not there = ABSENT
  4. resentful = BITTER
  5. take hold of = SEIZE
  6. substandard product = SECOND
  7. social campaign = CRUSADE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 36

  1. foretell = PREDICT
  2. state officially = ANNOUNCE
  3. narrow attention = FOCUS
  4. cause commotion = DISRUPT
  5. answer = RESPONSE
  6. bouncy beast = KANGAROO
  7. prickly plant = CACTUS

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 37

  1. where you are = LOCATION
  2. money in the bank = SAVINGS
  3. two-wheeled transport = SCOOTER
  4. something funny = COMEDY
  5. make current = UPDATE
  6. responsive = SNAPPY
  7. a gas = NITROGEN

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 38

  1. disallow the use of = FREEZE
  2. what you’re taught in school = SUBJECTS
  3. maybe = PERHAPS
  4. depiction = PORTRAYAL
  5. part of the arm = WRIST
  6. collective funds = KITTY
  7. Mr. Flintstone’s wife = WILMA

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 39

  1. movie preview = TRAILER
  2. kind of sausage = VIENNA
  3. introduce something new = INNOVATE
  4. support = BACKING
  5. right to vote = SUFFRAGE
  6. draw = STALEMATE
  7. Spanish conquistador = CORTES

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 40

  1. can be had = AVAILABLE
  2. work samples = PORTFOLIO
  3. established organization = INSTITUTE
  4. Mr. Buffett’s claim to fame = MONEY
  5. charisma = CHARM
  6. be more clever than = OUTSMART
  7. young goats = KIDS

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 41

  1. fish stew = CHOWDER
  2. lost rank or position = DEMOTED
  3. type of abbreviation = ACRONYM
  4. valuable assets = RESOURCES
  5. look over = SURVEY
  6. pass out cards = DEAL
  7. thorough examination = ANALYSIS

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 42

  1. examine critically = REVIEW
  2. sheriff’s cohorts = POSSE
  3. longs for = YEARNS
  4. never intersecting = PARALLEL
  5. affinity = RAPPORT
  6. poor = NEEDY
  7. morning beverage = COFFEE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 43

  1. official announcements = NOTICES
  2. farm machinery = COMBINE
  3. font components = CHARACTERS
  4. really terrible = AWFUL
  5. husband or wife = SPOUSE
  6. without hope = DOOMED
  7. someone you live with = ROOMMATE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 44

  1. social network = FACEBOOK
  2. went beyond = PASSED
  3. wars = CONFLICTS
  4. try to reach agreement = NEGOTIATE
  5. hit against = IMPACT
  6. white bear = POLAR
  7. obstacle = HURDLE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 45

  1. place of higher education = COLLEGE
  2. previous = FORMER
  3. intimidates others = BULLIES
  4. sequential collection = SERIES
  5. lawyer = ATTORNEY
  6. the king’s son = PRINCE
  7. chase after = PURSUE

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 46

  1. newspaper piece = ARTICLE
  2. come after = SUCCEED
  3. containers = CASES
  4. on account of = BECAUSE
  5. soft = LENIENT
  6. not sharp = BLUNT
  7. way of acting = BEHAVIOR

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 47

  1. advice = COUNSEL
  2. double-check = CONFIRM
  3. warning bell = ALARM
  4. flail about = FLOUNDER
  5. cream-filled treat = TWINKIE
  6. duck with issues = DAFFY
  7. hang from = SUSPEND

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 48

  1. instructional talk = LECTURE
  2. court proceeding = HEARING
  3. not clear = VAGUE
  4. picture-taking device = CAMERA
  5. tell the reason for = EXPLAIN
  6. insult = SLAM
  7. newsman = REPORTER

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 49

  1. unsuccessful endeavor = FAILURE
  2. group focused on one job = TASKFORCE
  3. Ol’ Blue Eyes’ first name = FRANK
  4. hand clapping = APPLAUSE
  5. joke’s desired response = LAUGHTER
  6. more than one = SEVERAL
  7. fades away = DWINDLES

7 Little Words Chocolate Level 50

  1. facilitator = CATALYST
  2. pop = BURST
  3. search into deeply = PROBE
  4. highly proficient = EXPERT
  5. bring to = DELIVER
  6. fight against = COMBAT
  7. numbers = FIGURES

1 comment:

  1. what the heck you guys thats just wrong there many kids that have no idea what this is and this has absoultly nothing to do with either schools or acting period
